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Multi-USE Is Here To Stay

The multi-use approach can be summarized by three unique elements that together create a powerful agent of change. Over the last few years, churches across America have been reconsidering both the design and the utilization of their facilities. Many churches are now pursuing a multi-use approach for greater community engagement and financial sustainability.

Recently, I broke down the multi-use approach into three unique elements that together create a powerful agent of change.

Utility Stewardship Engagement


It’s about providing multiple offerings.We have an incredible opportunity to take familiar ideas and implement them in a fresh way to ensure the best utilization of our space. 


It’s about handling our resources radically different. Building churches that have financial sustainability is going to be incredibly important as construction costs escalate and giving becomes more inconsistent among generations.


It’s about deeper connection. We desperately want to connect and serve our community in a way that helps them get a glimpse of the love that comes only from Jesus. Meeting the tangible needs of our community is the beginning of engaging them with the Gospel.

While a church multi-use strategy isn’t new, we must take a fresh approach if intend to serve our community with excellence and care.

Find out more about the Phase approach by visiting

Frank Bealer

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Multi-USE Is Here To Stay

The multi-use approach can be summarized by three unique elements that together create a powerful agent of change. Over the last few years, churches across America have been reconsidering both the

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